What did I miss?

marie kondo books

So despite my resolution to blog more in 2o17, this is only my second post for March… *sigh*. BUT, I have actually been so so busy doing creative stuff, and I have so much to share with you that it’s not even funny. Right now I am writing my blog in my lovely new home office/study (former junk room), and it is so pretty. It took a lot of work to get it looking exactly how I want it, but now it is perfect. I am going to do a separate post on the room transformation, so stay tuned (the before pictures will give you nightmares).

Mario and I have been on a bit of a minimalist kick in recent months, ever since I read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and he started listening to the Minimalists podcast. Despite my extreme annoyance with the Minimalists’ sanctimonious attitude, I agree with a lot of what they have to say.

marie kondo

This is me Mario Kondo-ing my clothes. You have to collect them all together in a big pile first – I guess to make you feel ashamed and horrified by how much stuff you have? It worked. 

marie kondo folding

This is the fun folding and organising stage. 

marie kondo books1

Then I did my books – I didn’t manage to get rid of many, but then again, I do love my books more than most things in life! 

Long story short, a couple of weeks ago we decided to do a HUGE cleanout of our house and hold a garage sale. We gave ourselves one week to purge all our stuff, and boy did we ever get in to it. It was actually incredibly cathartic, but also horrifying how much stuff we managed to compile to sell – things that had been hidden in closets for a really long time, and also things in plain view that we loved, but that no longer fit in our lives for one reason or another. We found a lot of things that we were holding on to for bad reasons – mainly guilt. It felt good to let those things go.

Garage sale 1

OMG so much stuff :(!

The garage sale was a big success, although we still have some stuff to get rid of. We are thinking of having another sale in a few weeks, and then donating what is left (in the meantime, our garage looks like the room of requirement).

garage sale 2

When you make too many things and have to sell them!

The feeling of freedom and organisation once we finished decluttering is amazing. I had felt the mental weight of all that clutter, and it feels lovely to be free of it.

garage sale

Our garage looks like a shop

I have felt so much more motivated and creative since we did this big cleanout, hence why I have been working on lots of stuff. It also allowed us to (finally) put our study to its proper use. For a very very long time it had been the ‘wedding’ room – first the room where we stored things in preparation for the wedding, and then the room where we kept all the leftover stuff from the wedding!

Anyway, that’s all for now – just wanted to reassure you that I am still alive and that I have a lot of projects to share with you, which I will start doing very soon. Ta ta for now! x

One thought on “What did I miss?

  1. Jacinta says:

    Hoorah! A big clean out feels sooo good. It is shameful how much we slowly build up over time especially in ‘out of site out of mind’ locations. Good luck with any remaining bits of your house. I feel I have been doing the same in our current house and still have 1-2 areas to go! Looking forward to more posts :D

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